Humanist Ethos Project Staff Workshop Held at KHPS

On November 21 at Kasese Humanist Primary School we held the Humanist Ethos Staff workshop that brought teachers from area schools together to deliberate on the following aims:

1. To establish a common vision of Humanist Principles
2. To embed Humanist Principles into our day-to-day teaching and student care
3. To apply the Humanist Principles to school discipline and teaching methods
4. To create work groups to develop a sense of shared ownership and commitment
5. To agree a common set of rules and procedures for achieving high standards of student welfare and education 

We had a team of two facilitators from Raising Voices to instruct in the topic of improving our schools and setting them aside from other schools by ensuring our schools are violence free, providing a conducive learning environment,transparent and accountable. We also learned about corporal punishment and its consequences, and forging ways to administering of friendly positive discipline behavior.

Close to 25 teachers at the school attended this workshop.Also in attendance were Bwambale Robert Musubaho, Director of Orphans at Kasese Humanist Primary School, Kamya Moses Kamya of Mustard Seed School and Peter Kisirinya of Isaac Newton High School.

Bwambale Robert stated, "On behalf of Kasese Humanist Primary School, i thank the Sponsors of this project who made it to success, i salute the facilitators from Raising voices for the content and the kits about creation of better schools and Uganda Humanist Schools Trust for coordinating our schools to another level.

All in all,we are so thankful that we are at some step and remain optimistic that our schools will strive for the betterment of our all round learners and development of our country. Our schools are a symbol standing out from the crowd emphasizing the need to have schools that welcome people of all beliefs, no discrimination based on sex, tribe, race or gender, no dogmatism and indoctrination to mention but a few."

With Science, we can progress.